

Falk-Jonatan Strube (sometimes referred to as "FJS" on this website)
E-Mail: ***** @


Powered by ProcessWire CMS

Website-Design by FJS ©2015 (customized for CMS ©2016)

Logo designed and created by FJS ©2015


As this website is hosted in germany, the disclaimer refers to german law.

Liabilty (content)

As a service provider I am, by common law and according to § 7 Abs.1 TMG, responsible for my original content. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG as a service provider I am not commited to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to investigate circumstances which could indicate illegal activity. The obligation to remove or block the usage of information according to common law remain untouched. However, a respective liability is given only after the knowledge of a specific infringement. Upon notification of violations, I will remove the content immediately.

Liability (links)

My service contains links to third-party websites which are out of my control. I therefore am not liable for these external content. The respective provider is always responsible for the contents of the linked websites. All linked websites have been inspected towards infringement when the link was inserted. There were no noticible infringements at the time of the insertion of the link. However, it is not reasonable to achieve a permanent surveillance of the content of linked websites without a definite clue of infringement. Upon notification of violations, I will remove these links immediately.


The content and works provided by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. Copying, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator if not noted otherwise. Downloads and copies are permitted only for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content is not created by the operator, the copyright of third parties has been respected. Contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you still be aware of copyright infringement, we ask for a respective hint. Upon notification of violations, I will remove the content immediately.